Introduction of Miner Account Transfer

What is Miner Account Transfer Market

Miner Account Market enables SPs to trade their miner account easily and securely.

As the first phase of SPex, the Miner Account Transfer market will be the first market to launch on the mainnet.

In the market, SPex offers a secured and user-friendly service to allow SPs to transfer/trade their Miner accounts by simply 2 steps:

  1. bonding their Miner account with SPex

  2. listing their Miners to the market

If you want to obtain a new Miner account, it will be even simpler: you just need to log in to the market and click the “BUY” button to purchase.

There are two pools for SPs to choose from:

  1. Public pool

  2. Private pool

The public pool conducts the order book mechanism. The seller offers the order, buyer bids it. SPs will trade on the public market to list orders and pick the miner accounts they want.

The private pool enables direct 1v1 trades, useful when storage providers have pre-agreed off-chain deals. Sellers create private pools with the buyer's address presetting, applying this when off-chain deals are made but on-chain properties need to be securely and trustless transferred. (For more detail about SPex as a secure trading tool will be discussed later)

Below is the workflow of the Miner Account Transfer Market

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